en English


TAIEX-REGIO Peer2Peer supports the organisation of peer-learning exchanges between programme authorities and other bodies in relation to the management of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cohesion Fund (CF) and Just Transition Fund (JTF) programmes.

More than 6,500 experts from all around the European Union are ready to answer your questions on any topic related to the thematic objectives of the EU Regional and Urban Policy and the management of the programmes. Tell us what you want to learn and we will find the right experts to organise an in-person or online exchange to learn from their experience and share ideas on how to solve common issues.

What exchanges are supported?


Study Visits

Study visits
Staff from a requesting institution visit a host institution in another EU country to learn new working methods and approaches (2-5 days).

Expert Missions

Expert Missions
An experienced staff member of a programme authority or other public body visits a requesting institution in another EU country to provide peer advice and direct support on a specific topic or task (2-5 days).


Experienced staff from programme authorities or other public bodies from EU countries meet a requesting institution to share experiences, discuss common issues or co-create new solutions (1-2 days).


Online events
Requesting institutions benefit from peer advice from other EU countries directly from their offices. They are organised in one or more half-day sessions on a dedicated virtual platform.

Who can request an exchange?

Staff of programme authorities and other bodies involved in the management of ERDF, CF and JTF programmes:

  • Managing authorities
  • Intermediate bodies
  • Audit authorities
  • National coordinating bodies
  • Joint secretariats for European territorial cooperation programmes
  • Other bodies (where justified)

You can apply using the

If you work for a programme authority or other public body and want to share your knowledge and practices, sign up as an expert here:

More information

Here is all you need to know to apply for and take part in an exchange..
Or e-mail to:
Follow us on Twitter: @RegioAdmCap

Past exchanges

Looking for ideas? Find more information on past exchanges, agendas and presentations in the TAIEX Library.